Infratec to deliver ground-breaking community energy projectLEARN MORE Infratec to deliver ground-breaking community energy project
Kiwi company to help Tuvalu towards 100% renewable energy goalLEARN MORE Kiwi company to help Tuvalu towards 100% renewable energy goal
Infratec installs the largest solar rooftop project in WellingtonLEARN MORE Infratec installs the largest solar rooftop project in Wellington
Infratec to deliver solar, battery solution for WatercareLEARN MORE Infratec to deliver solar, battery solution for Watercare
The Recipient of the Inaugural Infratec Scholarship AnnouncedLEARN MORE The Recipient of the Inaugural Infratec Scholarship Announced
Launch of New Zealand’s First Utility Scale BESSLEARN MORE Launch of New Zealand’s First Utility Scale BESS
Infratec wins community category at National AwardsLEARN MORE Infratec wins community category at National Awards